Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Pool Day!!

Summer was coming to an end so we had to hit the pool just once. This neighborhood pool was a bit more than just a pool. It was nothing short of a wonder world water park! Em skipped her naps, played all afternoon, and then was asleep in the car before we were out of the parking lot. In true newborn fashion, Lexi pretty much ate and slept the whole time while Em splashed it up! ;)

Mama and Em in the middle here somewhere

Monday, August 30, 2010

Emily Playing in Her New Room

We did a bit of reshuffling and repainting upstairs and when all was said and done, Emily had a brand new room! Here she is hamming it up for the camera while she plays fort in what is really now Lexi's play toy! Not that she seems to care who it belongs to mind you.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hanging Out For the Night

Just a Saturday night at la casa Larbalestrier-Smith

"Oh Sadie, you're so funny."


Time to move the pillow fort inside

Milk time
Looks like they're both trying to break free doesn't it?

Lexi G trying to karate kick her way out of her burrito blanket

And successfully free of the blankie

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Jazz Night in Westfield

Nothing like the rain stopping, and getting to hear some live music outdoors! Em got her dance on and we just tried to not make her look bad!! Note to selves- the iphone camera takes crappy pictures at night!!

An Afternoon at Turtle Back Zoo

4 days, and the rain let up for about 2 hours for us to enjoy this little zoo. To Emily, everything was a doggy. At least she was almost on target with the giant wolf that looked like a steroid-pumped version of her very own Sadie dog. This was the first time she really got to see a lot of these animals from her picture books- up close and personal. And Lexi, well, she was a good sport and slept the whole time we rolled her around!

Grandma, Mama and Em on Mr. Turtle

Em, are you the size of a Chinstrap penguin?

Mommy and Em

Em, what is that? No, it's not a doggy. It's a penguin!

Going to check out the moles in their holes

Mommy and Em with Mr. Ed, not pictured.

"Every single one of you are in my way!!"

Mama and Em with a big ugly bison!

"A birdie, a birdie!!"

Em starting to get pooped. Cheetah too.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Grandma and Grandpa S. Come to Jersey!

Grandma and Grandpa S. visited next and although they brought a rain for the ages with them from the south (yes, it rained every. single. day. until the day they left and the sun came out), we had such a good time, and some great meals! Poor Lexi didn't get to enjoy any of them this go around but Em sure did- Cheesecake Factory, Rainforest Cafe, the Diner! Not sure which she liked more- the mechanical animals with fake rainstorm at Rainforest Cafe, or jumping up and down on the bouncy booth cushion at the diner.

On the Menu: TICKLES!

Bread, definitely requires double fisting.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Grammy and Papa, We Will Miss You!

There isn't enough room to share how much we loved and appreciated having Grammy and Papa here. Such a big help watching Emmy while we were both at the hospital with Lexi. Grammy and Emmy reading stories, Grammy somehow managing to get Em to stay in her own crib when she had a nightmare. Baby whisperer, come back- we tend to cave on this one and our room is starting to feel like Noah's ark with the two kids, a dog and 42 stuffed animals.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Last Days in the Hospital

After 4 nights in the hospital, we were ready to take miss spiky hair home! We would definitely miss the round the clock help of nurses from the nursery, but we were ready to have us all home together.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hanging at Overlook - Day 3

Some pics of the family...

More Pictures

Friday, August 13, 2010

Alexis Grace Camilla Arrives

She's here and she's healthy!  So here are some of her earliest pics!!

1st Pic!

6 weeks; 1 day

8 weeks

9 weeks; 1 day

12 weeks; 3 days

20 weeks; 6 days  -- It's a Girl!

Look how tiny my face is!

Alexis Grace Arrives

What can we say, we are so blessed. Another beautiful, healthy baby girl.

Lexi, meet Mommy

Lexi, Mommy and Mama!

Proud Grammy and Papa with Mommy and Lexi

Uncle Scott, you have the best grin!

Emmy, this is your baby sister, Lexi. You can point. No hitting.