Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hurricane Irene Pays a Visit

When all was said and done, we escape the hurricane rather unscathed. We just had a little tree limb come down in front of our house - with a much larger tree coming down three houses down the street. Unfortunately everyone on the other side of that tree lost electricity for days. But we were spared by living on the "right side of the tree." Below are also some pics of our makeshift campsite in the living room. We've got a blowup bed, cushions, a portable crib, and the oh so important battery run dvd player just in case. The girls had a ball. And we didn't have to worry about any trees coming down onto our second floor bedrooms.

Emily, do you ever let Lexi play with her pink Minnie Mouse?

The street in front of our house - water on both sides coming toward the middle

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Take Me For a Ride Please

Much to Lexi's dismay, Emily likes to saddle up behind her on the Sesame Street bus and ride along with her baby sis. And then Em's legs are so much longer and stronger that they inevitably ride off in the directions she wants to go. But no major fighting about it just yet. :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Goodbye Kismet

On the dock watching the water

Teddy and Mickey have been put down for nighty night and tucked in with towels. Nevermind that it's the middle of the day and about 90 degrees.

Auntie Joy and Scott gave Lexi her own Minnie Mouse doll. So now Emmy has a red one and Lexi has a pink one.

Didn't take Emmy long to try to snag pink Minnie as her own as we loaded on to the ferry home...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

We're Gonna Miss This

This was the trip that marked the change- Em now loves exploring the water on her own. Maybe she's finally gotten used to it. Maybe it's because it's August and the water is finally warm up here! Either way, she didn't want to be held up in it so much any more. She wanted to run in and out of it on her own. And that she did. Over and over and over. Lexi is at an age where she has no fear and she would have run right into a wave without even hesitating. Well, unless she decided to stop for a bite of sand first. HA!

Grooving to some good music

Friday, August 19, 2011

Last Trip Out to Kismet

It's our last trip out to Kismet for the season. Boo!

Lexi doing the pushing around for a change.

One more ferry ride over. At least this one isn't 120 degrees.

Check out the baby jellies on her feet! Stylin'!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ice Cream Please!

This is apparently "Sweets" August. Ah well, it's summer! The girls enjoying some treats at the local DQ.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

My Two Mommies

Tonight Emmy proclaimed that she has two Mommies. If I could have taken a picture of my own heart melting, I would have.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Baby Girl; You're the Big 1 Now!

You only turn 1 once, so you might as well take about a hundred pictures to document the occasion! It was hard to pick which ones to share, so I've posted quite a few. Emmy picked out a special Mickey Mouse cake for her baby sister and helped her unwrap all of her gifts. Wes even had a great idea to help Em feel included- he got her two little gifts to open as well. Though, that didn't stop her from trying to take over all Lex's gifts anyway. ;)

Had to start the day off with a birthday bath

We all cleaned up pretty well

Cousin Brian holding the birthday girl

Auntie L where did the rest of your body go!?

Emmy is trying to negotiate a ride down Auntie L's legs, which she considers a slide perfectly fitting for a two year old

Uncle Scott and the girl of the hour

Emmy and her "Wessy Wes"

Grammy and Papa, who have skyped in to see the cake eating mess to follow. Lexi perplexed by such technology.

When one spoon just isn't fast enough...

James, who usually escapes from getting his picture taken. Special occasion today though!!

If this cat toy goes missing, chances are Emmy will have taken it. After that, we're looking to Auntie L the fanatical cat lover!!

Scott and Chrissy

The cake that big sister Emmy thought her baby sister should have for her birthday. A ruse for Emily to get to keep the mickey mouse figurines no doubt.

Amazing how popular balloons are with little ones

Oh all the clothes from Grandma and Grandpa!!

Can someone figure out how to make this little vacuum really work? Mama would be so pleased.

Crazy motorized cat toy, you will not escape my brush!