Monday, October 31, 2011


Lex was so small last year that she didn't get to go trick or treating. In fact, she hated her costume so much that all she did was cry, and she never even made it out of the house. For a walk down memory lane, check out the archive on the right. This year was a whole other story!! Em showed her baby sister the ropes and Lex caught on very quickly. Run to house, climb up stairs, ring doorbell, wait, get candy. And while this wasn't entirely planned, you'll notice from the pics that we managed to have an insect theme for our costumes this year. Em was a bumble bee and Lex was a lady bug. Sure beats the rodent theme we somehow stumbled upon last year (yup, check archive - Em was Mickey Mouse and Lex was a skunk, lol).

Em has already hit our stash of candy and we haven't even left the house yet!

Em goes in for a kiss and Lex wails.

Wessy Wes and our little lady bug

Look at Lex leading the crowd; you'd think she'd done this before!

When your legs aren't long enough, you get to that candy any way you can.

I'm pretty sure they would have just walked in the house to get it if the screen door weren't closed.

"I worked for it so I am entitled to another piece. Don't make me make my sister sting you."

Mama S puts down the camera for a few pics

Riley had a costume too but with the power outage and all the chaos, it just never made it on. He was going to be the sheriff of this wild town of insects.

It's ok Em, Halloween will come around again next year too. Now let's go watch "Dorothy Movie," aka the Wizard of Oz, at Wessy Wes' house.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The House

Do you even see any snow? No- because there was hardly any to begin with! Yet we lose power! Here's a tree limb that fell off our neighbor's tree. While not the source of our loss, interesting nonetheless. If the line hadn't caught it, it would have landed right on our minivan.

The culprit.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Freak Storm Swoops In... and We Lose Power!

It's October! And there are still leaves on the trees! How can we have snow? But we do. And because of this, we lose power to boot! Off to a hotel we go.

Mommy K always seems to be the one outside during these times, no? And Mama S always on the couch snapping pictures. Hehe.

Can't leave home without Goodnight Moon book!

Teddy went for a spin in something other than the Maytag today.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

An Afternoon Lunch and Trip to the Park

We learned something today. Balloons force children to behave. Both having them, and the threat of having them taken away. They each got one and a milkshake and were angels. Note to selves- buy a bag of balloons for the car.

Lexi loves her limes! Poor discarded binky on the table.

They insisted on running away from us. Probably won't be the last time.

Riley was equally pleased with the day

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Jello Night!

Just a good 'ol fashioned night of jello eating. Looks like it should be Halloween already doesn't it?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Napping Buddha Belly Baby

Who could resist such sleeping sweetness?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Lexi was happily playing in Emmy's bed when I caught her surrounded by stuffed toys and having a ball --- by herself. It didn't take long for Em to want to get in on the action. Crying ensued.

You guessed it - daycare was at the hair again

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pasta Dinner

Note that there are no pictures of the pasta dinner all over the floor. That's right - they ate like little ladies. Thank you babies!! (Though Riley does not thank you.)

Friday, October 14, 2011

A Beaming Girl

Wessy Wes, not sure what you said to evoke a smile like this, but I hope it didn't involve the promise of a pony.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What Did "School" Do To Your Hair???

This is what Lexi's hair looks like after we take the rubber band out of it that someone at daycare/"school" seems to love to apply.

I know Lex, we're just as perplexed as to why they insist on torturing your head.

Try up all you want, you're never going to be able to see just how silly that hair sprout looks baby.

It's like a toddler drive in movie, isn't it?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Just a Sunday Night at Home

Lexi never had much interest in her furry friends - certainly not as much as big sister. But she's starting to take an interest in some now. Of course Mickey Mouse rules in our house.

Auntie Joy made these pants for Emily and now Lexi fits in them. It is only fitting that after Emily managed to rip off the "B" that Lexi then proceeded to rip off the "E." They're no longer quite as "Beautiful." Joy, maybe you'd like them back someday and we can work on attaining "Utiful."

This was one popular ice cube.