Sunday, July 29, 2012

Cousin Brian Visited

Cousin Brian (whom this particular weekend Emmy decided to call Aunt Brian), with his pooch.  And a newly shaved head!

How much food can you shove in there kiddo?

Lexi is wearing way-too-big princess shoes.  Emmy is sporting the infamous Riley-eaten shoes.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Word of the Day

So as you know, we have a pooch named Riley- and he still behaves very much like a puppy.  He does all sorts of things we wish he wouldn't, but perhaps nothing is as destructive than his shoe fetish.  He eats Mommy's shoes, Mama's shoes (though not as much so Mama's cause let's be honest, she ALWAYS puts her shoes away.  Big grin), and most recently, he nailed Emmy's very favorite black patent leather with bows, dressy dress shoes.  She was completely devastated, and after crying the requisite amount of tears for a three year old, we explained how we would all have to be better about putting our shoes away, but it was ok, we would get her another pair of shoes.  And actually, realizing that she is completely outgrowing all of her shoes at this point, Mama suggested maybe we could get her a couple pairs of shoes.  So I asked her, would you rather have 2 or 3 pairs of new shoes? - just naturally assuming that she was old enough to understand that 3 is more than 2, and hence 3 would obviously be way better.  But no.  She looked at me a little distraught and declared she would only want 2 because, "Mama, I don't have 3 legs."  LOL.  So that's how Emmy came to understand the meaning of the word pair.  ;)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

A Weekend Jaunt to Grammy and Papa's

Monday, July 9, 2012

Sun Room Lounging

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Vroom Vroom

Here are a few shots of the girls when they decided it was a good day to have a roller derby around the house.  Emmy may have had a bit of an advantage with the motorized vehicle that James got her though.  But we're not sure why she decided to drive around with her undies on her head.  Pretty funny though.  Sorry child, kodak moment.

Child, is that a pair of panties on your head??

This is a sister eat my dust moment.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Auntie L Visits For the 4th...and We Have...Accidents

Well, you can't see her foot here, but Auntie L had an unhappy accident with the escalator at the aquarium.  And then only a couple of hours after Auntie L left, Emmy had an accident too with a piece of glass.  Fortunately Lexi's only accident was a run in with a cup of coldstone creamery below.  That's some good eating baby sister.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Aquarium Day

The girls had such a great time at the Aquarium.  It happily coincided with what Emmy was learning at school so she was especially into it.  

Kind of looks like Emmy is running away from the turtle huh?  LOL

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th!

Feels like this was our first 4th of July away from the beach in years.  But we had a nice time at a local fireworks show, sans sand.  As long as Emmy has a dress on, she's thrilled.  And when it reflects the holiday at hand, oh boy.  Lexi just wants to dance.  She doesn't care what she's wearing.  :)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Big Day

We went potty, we danced with Wessy Wes (who has already declared he's ready to fight for first dance at her wedding), and we caught lightning bugs.  A big day indeed.

Mama figured the Disney Resort Dream book would provide a little extra incentive.  Mickey Mouse only wants little girls who won't pee in his pool at his house.  Don't you want to get to go there girls?