Friday, April 3, 2009

2 Weeks Old and Loving the Car

Much to mommy's dismay, I prefer the car to just about anything.  
Including my bassinet.


Allison said...

Wow...her eyes are open...I had no idea they were so beautiful! :) Where are the pics of her with her favorite aunt?

Aunt Laurel said...

Hi, Steph, Karen, and Emily, and Allison and everyone who stops by! I love this blog!
Oh, Allison, thanks for thinking of me - 'ole Auntie L. You WERE thinking of me, weren't cha? Huh? Huh? Huh? Weren't cha?
Can't help but tease -- wouldn't be Auntie L otherwise!
I had a great visit with the ladies on 4/18-19. I noticed Emily doesn't cry much, seems to have a reason when she does, smiles a lot, likes to go for walkies, has two devoted mommies (one of whom made a GREAT steak dinner!), and is an all-round cute little person!
Big hug to all!