Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving from Ginny and Joe's

We just don't get to see some of the Aunts, Uncles and Cousins enough. Here are a bunch of pics of everyone. Thank you again Ginny and Joe for hosting us all; we truly had a wonderful time! And we missed seeing you Cousin Kelly and Nick. Kelly, glad you're feeling better!

Lex with Cousin Cody. How the girls just completely adore him!

The girls being dwarfed by their chair and Aunt Lori, Mommy, Grammy and Uncle Brad

Still trapped in the chair. This time with Mommy and Cousin Keri. :)

Grammy and Uncle Joe's Mom

Uncle Joe, who can make one mean turkey!

Aunt Lori, Uncle Brad and Aunt Ginny

Papa! Emmy has branded you Christmas Elf sticker worthy! Nice one on the pocket!

Cousin Mike - rocking out! ;)

Emmy gets a lesson in choo-choo trains

Cousin Beth, her fiance Josh, and Cousin Katie peeking out

Cousins Mike and Katie


We're going to have to walk a while to burn off that feast!

The crew

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